
Welcome to the Mental Health and Wellbeing section of the school website. At Mount Primary School we value wellbeing and we know that now, more than ever, we need to prioritise supporting young people to understand what wellbeing is and how to develop positive mental health. We teach wellbeing explicitly through our PSHE curriculum.  Mental health goes hand-in-hand with physical health and we encourage the children to look after both their bodies and their minds.

We also value the wellbeing of our families and communities. Therefore, the website is split into separate pages so that support can be offered to families, parents and carers as well as to students. Tools and resources will be uploaded into each section of the website to support you, your child and your family. I am looking forward to inviting parents in for a well-being coffee morning in the summer term.

To find out more about mental health and wellbeing at Mount Primary School please explore the documents on this page. These include links and signposts to relevant websites and supportive tools as well as documents that can be accessed for specific mental health and wellbeing concerns.

The Senior Mental Health Lead subject leader is: Mrs Stones.


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