Welcome to the PSHE (Personal Social Health and Economic) curriculum information page. At Mount Primary School we teach all learners to behave as caring, respectful young people with high aspirations for their future and their world. Our PSHE curriculum therefore covers relationships with others, health and wellbeing, living in the wider world, British Values and SMSC. We are also responsive to local issues and ensure topics are addressed as and when is necessary (such as current news stories or issues arising in school). An over-arching focus on mental health is prominent at Mount, where we believe that all pupils should be free to articulate their feelings and understand that mental health is a normal part of daily life.
To find out more about PSHE at Mount, please explore the documents on this page. These include the PSHE curriculum aims, the what is PSHE? sheets and the PSHE curriculum maps. Progression documents will be fully implemented in September 2022.
The PSHE subject leader is: Mrs. Ives.