
Welcome to the maths curriculum information page. 

As a school we have worked to develop a curriculum that will give children a deep, long-term and adaptable understanding of maths. Within all maths lessons ‘The Five Big Ideas in Teaching for Mastery’ will be evident. 




At Mount Primary, all maths lessons are broken down into small steps. These steps are connected and will gradually build up to children making generalisations and starting to apply the maths to other concepts. 


Representation & Structure:

All children will have access to concrete resources within the lessons. Representations within the lesson allow children to see the mathematical structure and lessons will build up to children doing the maths without the resources.


Mathematical Thinking:

At Mount we believe talk is a huge part of maths lessons and it allows children to talk and discuss their ideas. It allows the children to think about the maths, reason with others and discuss their thinking.



Variation is a key part of maths lessons. Children are often encouraged to look for and discuss what is the same and what is different between problems. This also allows children to make connections between mathematical concepts. 



At Mount, we build time within lessons for children to develop fluency. This allows children to recall facts and move between different contexts.


To find out more about Maths at Mount Primary School please explore the maths documents on this page. These include the maths curriculum aims, the what is maths? sheets and the maths curriculum maps. Progression documents will be fully implemented in September 2022.


The maths subject leader is: Miss Eyres


Links to support maths at home.






Support with maths at home

white rose.jfif


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