


Autumn, Winter and Spring:

Purple Sweatshirt/cardigan

Grey or Black Trousers/Skirt/Pinafore

White Polo Shirt

Sensible Black Shoes - no trainers please.


Grey or Black Shorts / Purple Gingham Dress

P.E. Kit:

Plain white t- shirt (no logos or designs)

Purple or black shorts/black leggings or joggers

Black pumps/trainers

Black or purple hoodie

P.E. Kits for F2 should be in school at all times. All other year groups should come to school in their P.E. Kits on their set day.

When children in KS2 go swimming, the requirements are:

  • A swimming costume and swimming cap. Bikinis are not allowed.

  • Swimming trunks, NOT loose shorts.  Letters will be sent home informing you when your child is undertaking swimming lessons.

Please send spare underwear and socks in your child's school bag if needed.

Please put names in everything!

Lost property is located in the foyer.

Our uniform is stocked in various places on the Wirral including:





Our PTA hold 'nearly new' uniform sales throughout the year where you can buy uniform donated once children have grown out of them. We also have a 'Swap Shop' at school where items no longer needed can be donated and swapped.

Second hand uniform can also be ordered from Wirral FUSS who recycle school uniforms for re-use by families, completely free for everyone  https://wirralfuss.co.uk/wirral-f-u-p-s-free-uniform-for-primary-school/