
Welcome to Mount Primary School's curriculum information page. Here you will find information about all the different subjects we teach. For each subject you can view:

  • Curriculum aims documents which detail the aims and content of the curriculum offered at Mount Primary School, how the curriculum caters for all learners and how the content of the curriculum develops each pupil's cultural capital. 
  • Curriculum planning documents which detail the national curriculum objectives for each subject, when each unit of work will be taught within the academic year, the knowledge expectations, key language and links to prior and post learning.
  • 'What is?' sheets which give an overview of each subject and are used to ensure children have a clear understanding of the different skills and knowledge required.

For Science and Foundation subjects you can also access knowledge organisers. These detail the content of the curriculum on a single A4 page to offer a concise overview of key language; significant figures; important concepts.

Key Stage Two (Years 3 - 6) are currently taught in mixed year groups. This means that for curriculum information within this key stage there is a 'Cycle A' and a 'Cycle B.' This ensures full coverage of the curriculum as well making sure that children do not repeat any learning. 

If you require any further information about our curriculum, please contact the school office.



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