Laurie Smith

Chair of Governors: Laurie Smith

Appointed: 05/11/21

Committees: Headteacher Performance Management, Pay Committee, Disciplinary Panel

Particular interests: The arts, creativity in the classroom, enriching curricular and extra-curricular opportunities.

Why I want to be a governor: I have worked inside the classroom as a teacher for over 20 years and believe that working with young people is the best job in the world. In my view all children regardless of their community and socio-economic background are entitled to an exciting, engaging and accessible education that has their best interests at heart and develops their personality, talents and abilities to the full.  Being a governor is a fantastic opportunity to help strategically guide the school to ensure that all children receive a fantastic education. 

Personal information: In my day job I am a Director of Music for a large Multi Academy Trust on the Wirral, working across both primary and secondary schools. I am a Mum to 3 gorgeous girls. In our spare time, we love to go on adventures as a family, and often go away in our campervan. I am a keen musician and play the saxophone, flute and piano.

Other governing bodies: None

Business or pecuniary interests: None

Personal connections: None